
Customised Training

Customised Training: in dialogue with you, I can customise the training to address your needs, and aim at providing solutions in line with the framework of your organisation.


I have designed and run team coaching events for businesses and for public institutions, trainings on negotiation techniques for lawyers and simulated negotiation sessions for students. In 2018, I was invited to take part in forging skills of prospective EU officials and staff.


The workshop content depends on your needs and my continuously developing skills, so please contact me for available options.


Customised Training

Customised Training: in dialogue with you, I can customise the training to address your needs, and aim at providing solutions in line with the framework of your organisation.


I have designed and run team coaching events for businesses and for public institutions, trainings on negotiation techniques for lawyers and simulated negotiation sessions for students. In 2018, I was invited to take part in forging skills of prospective EU officials and staff.


The workshop content depends on your needs and my continuously developing skills, so please contact me for available options.


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