
I work with individuals and teams to help them be the best version of themselves. In order to manifest your full potential, you need to both recognise what truly drives you and face your potential limits or deadweight. Only if you acknowledge both aspects can desired developments occur.


Individual coaching

Communication: to achieve what you are aiming for, you need to communicate your objectives and intentions clearly, where respect and...

Customised Training

Customised Training: in dialogue with you, I can customise the training to address your needs, and aim at providing solutions in line with the framework...


You may find yourself in need of a facilitator, who will support a decision-making process or guide you towards reaching an agreement.


Many training or coaching tools are universal. What counts is understanding client’s needs and the dynamics specific to them or their environment.

Death Café

The aim of meeting in public to talk about death and dying is to support people in making most of their (finite) lives. Since 2014 I have held over a dozen...

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